It is now accepted wisdom on Wall Street that the great bond rally of the past 30 years is over and that we have entered a new era of higher interest rates. Not so fast says this week’s Great Investor guest, Robert Kessler. He points out we have had many false alarms about economic growth and central bank tightening over the last 6 years only to see interest rates retreat again. Kessler has correctly defended the value of U.S. Treasuries in particular against Wall Street naysayers for more than a decade. So before you follow the stampede out of bonds you might want to listen to his defense of bonds.
Listen to the audio only version here: Robert Kessler
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We have compiled additional information and content related to this episode. Guest Info ROBERT KESSLER Founder, CEO Kessler Investment Advisors, Inc. Newsletter Available Soon
Action Point [post-content id=7506 content=yes] One Investment
Buy 30-year U.S. Treasury STRIPS
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Robert Kessler from the Archives
August 03, 2012: Sticking with a Fixed Income Strategy, A Contrarian View
December 30, 2011
The case for U.S. Treasuries. They are an investment vilified by the vast majority of professional investors, yet they have outperformed most other assets over the last five, ten, and twenty year periods. That has not surprised our Great Investor guest. Robert Kessler is the founder and CEO of Denver-based Kessler Investment Advisors, a manager of fixed income portfolios for institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals, with a specialty in U.S. government debt. Kessler believes U.S. Treasuries will continue to perform well and deserve a place in everyone’s portfolio. [bliptv id=”hs5mguTqagA”]
July 08, 2011
“Financial Thought Leader,” John Brynjolfsson, creator of the first “real return” mutual funds and “Great Investor” Robert Kessler, U.S. Treasury bond guru discuss managing the inflation and interest rate challenges ahead. [bliptv id=”hs5mgseQJAA”]
February 19, 2010
Unconventional investment strategies from some original thinkers. Consuelo finds out where Robert Kessler, one of Fortune Magazine’s Top Investors sees value in his specialty, U.S. Treasuries; and which investments currently deserve your favor, or scorn, with asset allocation master, David Darst, Morgan Stanley’s Chief Investment Strategist. [bliptv id=”hs5mgceMNgA”]