Is the financial crisis really over? Are we in danger of another one? In a recent speech, Hank Paulson, the Secretary of the Treasury during the crisis said yes, we are still in danger and that “there are a number of issues that trouble and in some cases flabbergast me.” Our guest this week, Matthew McLennan, is in complete agreement. McLennan, whom we have identified as a Next Generation Great Investor, runs the five-star rated First Eagle Global Fund, which he took over from legendary value investor Jean Marie Eveillard five years ago in the midst of the financial crisis. McLennan calls the widely believed “return to normalcy” that we are experiencing a “Keynesian mirage.”
WEALTHTRACK Episode #1014; Originally Broadcast on September 27, 2013
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Head of Global Value and Portfolio Manager
First Eagle Investment Management, LLC
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Goldcorp Inc. (GG)
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Fresnillo PLC (FRES)
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Fanuc Corp ADR (FANUY)
Hoya Corporation (HOCPY)
Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)
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WEB EXTRA: Space for Reflection
WEB EXTRA: Consuelo’s In The Guest Chair!
The syndicated radio program, “On The Money” interviewed Consuelo this week and you can hear what she said here. The host, Steve Pomeranz, asks Consuelo about the anticipated rise in interest rates, the reasons for the bond market’s strong reaction to the “taper caper” and the importance of looking at the whole macro picture before digging down to find the right company in which to invest.
Matthew McLennan from the Archives
September 21, 2012
A next generation Great Investor who is successfully filling the shoes of the legendary Jean Marie Eveillard at First Eagle Funds. Matthew McLennan, portfolio manager of First Eagle Global, will tell us where in the world he’s finding value now.
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February 03, 2012
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December 17, 2010
A powerful financial duo! Goldman Sachs’ veteran investment strategist, Abby Joseph Cohen and First Eagle Fund’s global value manager Matthew McLennan, discuss the new world economic order and how investors can take advantage of it.
[bliptv id=”hs5mgpWyGgA”]