As it’s the fund-raising season on public television, we are re-airing a show about a hot investment area – alternative investments. Alternatives such as hedge funds, now come in a liquid mutual fund form so they can be bought and sold daily on an exchange. They are regulated and transparent, so you know what they own – and the fees are considerably less than hedge funds. Most are available to average individual investors. These Liquid Alternative funds have taken off – their assets have increased ten fold since 2005. Lipper’s Robert Jenkins and Altegris Advisors’ Lara Magnusen discuss the risks and rewards of alternative investments. You can watch the episode here.
Also this weekend, a web exclusive. Brothers Tom and David Gardner, Co-Founders of The Motley Fool, the largest online investment advisory service in the world are always on the lookout for exceptional companies to invest in for the long-term. But every once in a while a new technology comes along, with so much potential, that it’s hard to determine who the ultimate winners and losers will be. In that case, the “Fools” take a diversified portfolio approach, investing in several companies involved. I asked CEO and “Head Fool,” Tom Gardner about the business they are calling the “next industrial revolution”: 3D printing.